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Old English was the language spoken by the Anglo-Saxons. It is very diffrent to today´s English (Contemporanean English). If a Spanish person reads a text in Old Spanish, he or she could understand most of it, but if an English person reads a text in Old English, very little could be understood.
Why has English changed more than Spanish throughout the centuries? Because of the many invasions England had: Vikings, Danish, Normans...
Watch the video "BARBARIANS: SAXONS. PART 1 OF 5" and answer these
- Why were the Saxons recruited for the Roman army?
- What Gods did the Saxons/Germans have?
- Why were the Saxons forced to emigrate?
- Why did the Romans abbandon Britain?
- Why did the Britons call the Saxons to come to Britain?
- What was the difference between the first and the second Saxon migrations to Britain?
Check this vocabulary before watching the video:
Raid, Raiders
mighty warriors
Merciless brutality, (mercy)
Treachery (traitor) = betrayal (betrayer)
Conquest, conqueror
380 AD ( Anno Domini) ; BC: Before Christ
Norse: Nordic, Scandinavian
Wotan= Odin; Thor
Villages were washed away= flooded, flood
The Romans ruled Britain with an iron fist
Famine, to starve
Tyrant= dictator, dictatorship
Lavish feast
He squealed when I sliced him open
Rewards: prize
For good
to settle, settler, settlement