
Sunday 18 May 2014


1)                   Before buying a book for her son’s birthday, Alice …………… (think) of a gun but she ………………….. (change) her mind.
2)                  It is ……………………. to play at loving ……………….. to play at killing.
3)                  Parents …………………….. care about ……………….. sons and daughters are worried about violence in children’s games.
4)                  Some children are always fighting after ………………… a war film …………… TV.
5)                  I ……………………. (not sleep) enough last night and I’m very tired. I wish I (sleep) ………………… longer.
6)                  First it was very difficult, but now I ……………………. read and speak English.
7)                  She …………………. (start) working two hours ago. She (already/read) …………………… 40 pages.
8)                  They asked me what (her father’s name/to be), and I answered that I (have) ……………… no idea.
9)                  …………….. we discover its causes, we ……………….. (never solve) the problem of poverty.
10)               He organized a survey of every house in the east end and centre of London.
A survey …………….
11)                ……………… 5 th April 1869, only three men were ………….. work when the accident happened.
12)               The workers immediately organised a search party to find the missing miners.
A search party ……………….
13)               Mrs Smith, ……………….. had to go away, ………………… (tell) to be careful.
14)               ……………….. I had to go away, I …………………… leave my dog to look after the house.
15)               Thank you for ……………….. (warn) me. I left all the windows ……………….. (open)
16)               Coetzee, ……………….. was born in South Africa in 1940, won the Nobel Prize.
17)               Before …………………….. (win) the Nobel Prize, Coetzee ……………………. (receive) international recognition.
18)               James Joyce, .……… works are still universally unknown , …………(not choose) for the Nobel Prize during his lifetime.
19)               The German Rudof Eucken, a Nobel Prize winner, wrote ……………… ethics and religion. But ……………… works are almost forgotten today.
20)              Those ……… are interested in deforestation do not think of the serious consequences ………………. can derive from it.
21)               We have to care ………… the earth, it belongs ………… everyone.
22)              “Peter, please give up smoking and don’t work so hard”, Mari said
Mari said ……………………………….…………….
23)              The greatest plot ever planned …………….. the British Government was that of a group of politicians ……………….. 1605
24)              The Guardians of the Tower of London send a message to the Sovereign to announce that the building is safe. (PASSIVE) …………………………………….……………………..
25)              If you dream that you …………… being strangled that ……………… not explain the meaning of your dream.
26)              I wouldn’t mind (climb) …………………… if I  …………………. some training first.
27)               If scientists …………………………. (study) more about the characteristics of animal behaviour in the future, they …………………. (understand) more about human personality.
28)              Two animals ……………… show intense emotions are whales and dolphins. Their emotional lives …………………… (explore) for many years.
29)              Scientists say that the most wonderful thing about ………………….. (work) with chimpanzees is discovering their intelligence. In fact, they are ………………………. (intelligent) animals in the world.
30)              “My experiments will prove the existence of the emotional lives of animals”, said Darwin.
Darwin said ………………………
31)               The link between ………………….. (use) a mobile phone when driving and road accidents is well established and this …………………….. (apply) to all kinds of phones, including hands-free.
32)              More technological advances …………………… (be) made in the last fifty years …………………… in all previous centuries.
33)              Charles, ……………….. is a mobile phone addict, can’t stand being away ………………. his phone.
34)              “Is there a mobile phone in your bag?”, I asked the girl.
I asked the girl ……………………..
35) Marco Polo, ……….. was born in Venice, went to China with his father and uncle when he ………. seventeen years old.
36) While the West ………………… (govern) by corrupt leaders in the Middle Ages, a wise emperor ………… (rule) the East.
37) Marco Polo’s book dealt ………………… a world ……………… producers were highly valued in the West.
38) Marco Polo said, “I have only told half of what I saw!”
Marco Polo said ……………………………..
39) Last year 2,500 children were asked how ………………. they were woken up …………….. night by incoming text messages on their mobile phone.
40) Adolescents ………………….. get a good night’s sleep do better in school ………………… those who don’t get enough.
41) It seems that children and teenagers under the age of 18 are more vulnerable to radiation coming ……………….. mobile phones because …………………… immune systems are not strong.
42) Last month I ……………………. (spend) too much talking on my mobile phone, but I usually spend …………….. average of €20 each month.
43) Last night, before ……………… (eat) his orange, John asked …………………a second cut of fried bread.
44) John, you ………………….. (eat) more than two …………….. (loaf) of bread, didn’t you?
45) According to a survey, most people ………………… (buy) kitchen furniture only once or ………………. in their life.
46) “Anne, do you want something else to eat?”, I offered….................................................
47) The …………………… (easy) way to prevent children ………………… watching too much television is to keep them busy with other interesting activities.
48) The television, ……………… was invented many years ago, has both positive and negative aspects.
49) Because …………….. poor eating habits and too much television, the number of obese children ……………………… (increase) in the last few years.
50) Ann enjoys …………………… (watch) her favourite TV programmes for hours. Afterwards she always …………………… (try) to exercise more. Last year she …………………. (spend) 200€ at a gym.
51) As a result of too much shopping, some anxiety or depression may ……………………… (experience) and this might interfere ……………………. work or school performance.
52) Doctors suggest that compulsive shoppers ………………………… cultivate more spiritual aspects of their lives, rather ……………………… buying material things to complete themselves.
53) Yesterday the salesman said to me: “Don’t pay now”.
54) Before ……………………. (become) King of England, George V had a dragon tattooed on …………… arm.
55) “………………….. does the word “stigma” mean?” “It means ………………….. mark or sign of shame”.
56) Winston Churchill’s mother, ………….. wrist was tattooed with a serpent, tried to cover …………………. with a bracelet when in public.
57) In the past, tattoos …………….. (link) to criminals, but today tattoos …………………….. (wear) proudly by celebrities.
58) How ………………….. is Bermuda from the mainland? It is about 570 miles ……………………… Cape Hatteras on the east coast of the United States.
59) Bermuda, …………………. official language is English, has been a British colony ………………….. the 17th century.
60) I would not mind …………………… (visit) the islands sometimes, if I …………………… (have) plenty of time and money.
61) Bermuda consists of a group of 120 islands but only about twenty …………………… (inhabit). The largest one ………………….. (call) Great Bermuda.
62) I …………………….. (work) as a waitress during the past year at 5€ …………… hour.
63) I don’t think my pay is very good but I’m desperate …………… a job …………….. pay for my studies.
64) I’ve been to six agencies. They ………………………. (accept) my CV but all their jobs ……………….. (take).
65) “For many firms and many workers homeworking will be a way to reduce costs”. The minister remarked that ………………………….
66) If human interference ……………………… (continue) to alter the composition of the atmosphere, average temperatures ………………………… (rise) more than 3ºC in the next 100 years.
67) Greenpeace …………………… (create) to fight environmental disaster. This organization is especially interested in …………………….. (protect) our environment.
68) Air pollution ……………………….. (cause) more than one hundred thousand deaths last year. Some experts believe that it is the ……………………… (important) health problem in the industrial world.
69) We should avoid ……………………. (pollute) our planet in order …………………. protect it for our children.
70) Dragons ………………………… (form) a part of human mythology since long ago. One only has to consult ancient texts …………………. (know) that this is true.
71) In China the dragon ……………………. (see) as a wise and lucky animal while Greek people were afraid of it ……………… of its evil and terrifying reputation.
72) The Komodo Dragon is the world’s ……………………. (large) living lizard although there are some species of reptile, such as the crocodile, that are much ……………… (big).
73) “Dragons have played an important role in my life”, Steven Spielberg said.
Steven Spielberg said ………………………
74) Thirty years ago, scientists ………. (begin) to study the link ……………… aggressive behaviour and television watching.
75) “How ……………….. do you go to the cinema?” “I usually go once …………….. month”.
76) Switch …………….. the TV now, the news ……………….. (be) about to start.
77) “What will you do when you finish your homework?”, he asked the girl
He asked the girl …………………………………………
78) If we want wild cats ……………… reproduce, we ………………….. protect their environment.
79) We ………………….. better stop using the world’s natural resources …………………. (careless).
80) “When did you begin your new wild cat project?”, the journalist asked.
The journalist asked ……………………..
81) In the last two years, people ……………….. (buy) 60,000 square miles on the Moon, only 15,000 on Mars. Of course, Mars is farther away than the Moon.
82) In 1980 five nations ………………… (sign) a UN decree about “no individual making profit from celestial bodies”. The US was not …………….. them.
83) Those …………………. buy land also receive a Martian Bill of Rights and a site map, …………….. else can you ask for?
84) Mr Hope says that ……………….. (sell) land on celestial bodies is ………………… (good) selling houses in California, because he has no competition at all.
85) The environment is a topic ………………. many people are interested ……………
86) The electricity ………………… (cut) off while we were listening …………………… the radio.
87) Last year I ………………… (take) the bus to work instead of …………………… (drive) my car.
88) “Why should people use less energy?”, they asked.
They asked ……………
89) All we know ……………………. King Solomon comes ………………. the Bible.
90) Before ………. (become) King of Judah, Solomon’s father was ……………. shepherd, according to the Old Testament.
91) When the Queen of Sheba arrived ………………. King Solomon’s palace, she ………………… (give) the king many gifts.
92) The action of King Solomon’s Mines takes place in Africa. The novel ……………….. (write) by H.R Haggard, ……………………… adventure books were set in exotic locations.
93) The popular image we have of Cleopatra is …………….. of a beautiful queen ……………….. was adored by Roman politicians and generals.
94) An old coin with the image of Cleopatra ……… (show) that she may not have been as attractive ……. first thought.
95) The coin, which ………………….. (hide) in a bank vault, accidentally fell …………….. the floor of the bank after a robbery.
96) Shakespeare ……………………. (write) his tragedy Antony and Cleopatra in 1608, but it was first printed fifteen years …………………. (late).
97) The expedition, …………………. starts 97 miles from the South Pole, ………………….. (lead) by David Adams.
98) If Alicia ……………………….. (not go) to the North Pole, Amelia …………………… (be) the first teenager on an expedition of this kind.
99) Amelia said “I am not sure if I’ll be able to sleep”.
Amelia said ………………………….
100) 1% of Norwegians are addicted to the internet. An additional 5% are at risk of …………………….. (develop) internet addiction. The ………………………… (high) rate of addiction is in the 16-29 year old group.
101) Internet users in Greece have …………………. Internet addiction rate of 8.2%. Most internet addicts are males ………………….. play online games.
102) It wasn’t ……………….. the 1940s, with the development of electronic data machines, that manual calculation …………………… (become) obsolete.
103) Technology addiction amongst teenagers is having a negative effect ………………. learning. The report revealed that, last year, students …………………… (spend) 1-2 hours a day on social network sites.
104) The relative sizes of our fingers …………………. (fix) for life within three months of conception, and the relationship seems ……………………. (govern) by hormones.
105) …………… the reason is not yet understood, earlier studies have shown that finger-length ratios indicate the exposition ………………… testosterone in utero.

106) In general terms, the …………………… (early) an illness is diagnosed, the ………………….. (easy) its treatment will be.

1)       Before buying a book for her son’s birthday, Alice had thought of a gun but she changed her mind.
2)      It is funnier to play at loving than to play at killing.
3)      Parents who/that care about their sons and daughters are worried about violence in children’s games.
4)      Some children are always fighting after watching a war film on TV.
5)      I didn´t sleep enough last night and I’m very tired. I wish I had slept longer.
6)      First it was very difficult, but now I can read and speak English.
7)      She started working two hours ago. She has already read 40 pages.
8)      Unless we discover its causes, we will never solve the problem of poverty.
9)      He organized a survey of every house in the east end and centre of London.
A survey of every house in the east and centre of London was organised
10)   On 5th April 1869, only three men were at work when the accident happened.
11)    The workers immediately organised a search party to find the missing miners.
A search party to find the missing miners was immediately organised by the workers.
A search party was immediately organised by the workers to find the missing miners.
12)   Mrs Smith, who had to go away, was told to be careful.
13)   If I had to go away, I would leave my dog to look after the house.
14)   Thank you for warning me. I left all the windows open.
15)   Coetzee, who was born in South Africa in 1940, won the Nobel Prize.
16)   Before winning the Nobel Prize, Coetzee received international recognition.
17)   James Joyce, whose works are still universally unknown, wasn´t chosen for the Nobel Prize during his lifetime.
18)   The German Rudof Eucken, a Nobel Prize winner, wrote about ethics and religion. But his works are almost forgotten today.
19)   Those who are interested in deforestation do not think of the serious consequences that/which can derive from it.
20)  We have to care for/about the earth, it belongs to everyone.
21)   “Peter, please give up smoking and don’t work so hard”, Mari said
Mari said to Peter to give up smoking and not to work so hard.
22)  The greatest plot ever planned against the British Government was that of a group of politicians in 1605
23)  The Guardians of the Tower of London send a message to the Sovereign to announce that the building is safe. (PASSIVE) A message is sent by the Guardians of the Tower to the Sovereign to announce that the building is safe.
The Sovereign is sent a message by the Guardians of the Tower to announce that the building is safe.
24)  If you dream that you are being strangled that does not explain the meaning of your dream.
25)  I wouldn’t mind climbing if I had some training first.
26)   If scientists study more about the characteristics of animal behaviour in the future, they will understand more about human personality.
27)  Two animals which/that show intense emotions are whales and dolphins. Their emotional lives have been explored for many years.
28)  Scientists say that the most wonderful thing about working with chimpanzees is discovering their intelligence. In fact, they are the most intelligent animals in the world.
29)  “My experiments will prove the existence of the emotional lives of animals”, said Darwin.
Darwin said (that) his experiments would prove the existence of the emotional lives of animals.
30)  The link between using a mobile phone when driving and road accidents is well established and this applies to all kinds of phones, including hands-free.
31)   More technological advances have been made in the last fifty years than in all previous centuries.
32)  Charles, who is a mobile phone addict, can’t stand being away from his phone.
33)  “Is there a mobile phone in your bag?”, I asked the girl.
I asked the girl if there was a mobile phone in her bag.
35) Marco Polo, who was born in Venice, went to China with his father and uncle when he was seventeen years old.
36) While the West was (being) governed by corrupt leaders in the Middle Ages, a wise emperor was ruling/ruled the East.
37) Marco Polo’s book dealt with a world where producers were highly valued in the West.
38) Marco Polo said, “I have only told half of what I saw!”
Marco Polo said that he had only told half of what he had seen.
39) Last year 2,500 children were asked how often they were woken up at night by incoming text messages on their mobile phone.
40) Adolescents who get a good night’s sleep do better in school than those who don’t get enough.
41) It seems that children and teenagers under the age of 18 are more vulnerable to radiation coming from mobile phones because their immune systems are not strong.
42) Last month I spent too much talking on my mobile phone, but I usually spend an average of €20 each month.
43) Last night, before eating his orange, John asked for a second cut of fried bread.
44) John, you didn´t eat more than two loaves of bread, didn’t you?
45) According to a survey, most people buy kitchen furniture only once or twice in their life.
46) “Anne, do you want something else to eat?”, I offered Anne something else to eat.
47) The easiest way to prevent children from watching too much television is to keep them busy with other interesting activities.
48) The television, which was invented many years ago, has both positive and negative aspects.
49) Because of poor eating habits and too much television, the number of obese children has increased in the last few years.
50) Ann enjoys watching her favourite TV programmes for hours. Afterwards she always tries to exercise more. Last year she spent 200€ at a gym.
51) As a result of too much shopping, some anxiety or depression may be experienced and this might interfere with work or school performance.
52) Doctors suggest that compulsive shoppers should/might cultivate more spiritual aspects of their lives, rather than buying material things to complete themselves.
53) Yesterday the salesman said to me: “Don’t pay now”.
Yesterday the salesman told me not to pay then/at that moment.
54) Before becoming King of England, George V had a dragon tattooed on his arm.
55) “What does the word “stigma” mean?” “It means a mark or sign of shame”.
56) Winston Churchill’s mother, whose wrist was tattooed with a serpent, tried to cover it with a bracelet when in public.
57) In the past, tattoos were linked to criminals, but today tattoos are worn proudly by celebrities.
58) How far is Bermuda from the mainland? It is about 570 miles from Cape Hatteras on the east coast of the United States.
59) Bermuda, whose official language is English, has been a British colony since the 17th century.
60) I would not mind visiting the islands sometimes, if I had plenty of time and money.
61) Bermuda consists of a group of 120 islands but only about twenty are inhabited. The largest one is called Great Bermuda.
62) I worked as a waitress during the past year at 5€ an/per hour.
63) I don’t think my pay is very good but I’m desperate for/to have a job to pay for my studies.
64) I’ve been to six agencies. They have accepted/accepted my CV but all their jobs have been taken/were taken.
65) “For many firms and many workers homeworking will be a way to reduce costs”. The minister remarked that for many firms and many workers homerworking would be a way to reduce costs.
66) If human interference continues to alter the composition of the atmosphere, average temperatures will rise more than 3ºC in the next 100 years.
67) Greenpeace was created to fight environmental disaster. This organization is especially interested in protecting our environment.
68) Air pollution caused more than one hundred thousand deaths last year. Some experts believe that it is the most important health problem in the industrial world.
69) We should avoid polluting our planet in order to protect it for our children.
70) Dragons have formed a part of human mythology since long ago. One only has to consult ancient texts to know that this is true.
71) In China the dragon is seen as a wise and lucky animal while Greek people were afraid of it due to/because of its evil and terrifying reputation.
72) The Komodo Dragon is the world’s largest living lizard although there are some species of reptile, such as the crocodile, that are much bigger.
73) “Dragons have played an important role in my life”, Steven Spielberg said.
Steven Spielberg said that dragons had played an important role in his life.
74) Thirty years ago, scientists began to study the link between aggressive behaviour and television watching.
75) “How often do you go to the cinema?” “I usually go once a month”.
76) Switch on the TV now, the news is about to start.
77) “What will you do when you finish your homework?”, he asked the girl
He asked the girl what she would do when she finished her homework.
78) If we want wild cats to reproduce, we have to protect their environment.
79) We had better stop using the world’s natural resources carelessly.
80) “When did you begin your new wild cat project?”, the journalist asked.
The journalist asked when I had begun my new wild cat project.
81) In the last two years, people have bought 60,000 square miles on the Moon, only 15,000 on Mars. Of course, Mars is farther away than the Moon.
82) In 1980 five nations signed a UN decree about “no individual making profit from celestial bodies”. The US was not amongst them.
83) Those who/that buy land also receive a Martian Bill of Rights and a site map, what else can you ask for?
84) Mr Hope says that selling land on celestial bodies is better than selling houses in California, because he has no competition at all.
85) The environment is a topic which/that many people are interested in.
86) The electricity was cut off while we were listening to the radio.
87) Last year I took the bus to work instead of driving my car.
88) “Why should people use less energy?”, they asked.
They asked why people should use less energy.
89) All we know about King Solomon comes from the Bible.
90) Before becoming King of Judah, Solomon’s father was a shepherd, according to the Old Testament.
91) When the Queen of Sheba arrived at King Solomon’s palace, she gave the king many gifts.
92) The action of King Solomon’s Mines takes place in Africa. The novel was written by H.R Haggard, whose adventure books were set in exotic locations.
93) The popular image we have of Cleopatra is that of a beautiful queen who/that was adored by Roman politicians and generals.
94) An old coin with the image of Cleopatra shows that she may not have been as attractive as first thought.
95) The coin, which was hidden in a bank vault, accidentally fell on the floor of the bank after a robbery.
96) Shakespeare wrote his tragedy Antony and Cleopatra in 1608, but it was first printed fifteen years later.
97) The expedition, which starts 97 miles from the South Pole, is lead by David Adams.
98) If Alicia hadn´t gone to the North Pole, Amelia would have been the first teenager on an expedition of this kind.
99) Amelia said “I am not sure if I’ll be able to sleep”.
Amelia said that she wasn´t sure if she would be able to sleep.
100) 1% of Norwegians are addicted to the internet. An additional 5% are at risk of developing internet addiction. The highest rate of addiction is in the 16-29 year old group.
101) Internet users in Greece have an Internet addiction rate of 8.2%. Most internet addicts are males who/that play online games.
102) It wasn’t until the 1940s, with the development of electronic data machines, that manual calculation became obsolete.
103) Technology addiction amongst teenagers is having a negative effect on learning. The report revealed that, last year, students spent 1-2 hours a day on social network sites.
104) The relative sizes of our fingers are fixed for life within three months of conception, and the relationship seems to be governed by hormones.
105) Although the reason is not yet understood, earlier studies have shown that finger-length ratios indicate the exposition to testosterone in utero.
106) In general terms, the earlier an illness is diagnosed, the easier its treatment will be.

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