
Thursday 15 December 2016

2º Bach Sección· The Arsenal of Democracy · Questions

The Arsenal of Democracy · Questions (An Illustrated History of USA pg 105-108)
1-    How was the international situation in the world in the 1930s?
2-    What did the isolationists in the USA think?
3-    What were the Neutrality acts?
4-    When did the Americans realize they could not be isolated anymore?
5-    What was Roosevelt’s Lend Lease Plan?
6-    What meant a disaster for Japan?
7-    What did Japan’s Prime Minister , Hideki Tojo,  intend to do?
8-    What happended on Dec 7, 1941?
9-    Who were the Issei and the Nisei?Was their iinternment in prison camps fair? Why?
10-                      How did the USA organize the economy for the war?
11-                      What was the Manhattan Project?
12-                      What was Churchill’s idea?
13-                      What happened on June 6, 1944?
14-                      What was the Battle of the Bulge?
15-                      Explain the three-pronged attack?
16-                      What did “island hopping” consist of?
17-                      Why didn’t the Americans invade Japan itself when they were ready for it?

18-                      What was the debate in the USA about dropping the atomic bomb? Explain the two sides.

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