
Tuesday 18 April 2017

2º Bach Sección · A Balance of Terror · QUESTIONS (Ilustrated History USA, pg 120- 123)


  1. Who made the 1st H-bomb and when? 
  2. What does H-bomb and  A-bomb mean? Which is more destructive? 
  3. What countries could afford to go on making H-bombs?
  4. Who was the Secretary of State under Eisenhower’s presidency?
  5. What is a Secretary of State?
  6. What did this  Secretary of State think about how Truman dealt with the Russians?
  7. How did he change this attitude later and why?
  8. What was “brinkmanship”?
  9. What was the threat of “massive retaliation”?
  10. Were the Americans worried by the Sputnik? What worried them and why?
  11. What were the nuclear missiles?
  12.  What was The Polaris?
  13. Explain “balance of terror”.
  14. Explain Khrushchev’s concept “peace of coexistence”.
  15. Why didn’t the Paris summit take place?

  1. Name the two reasons for the Space Race between the USA & the USSR.
  2. What is the name of the mission to put the 1st man on the Moon?
  3. How many men were in this mission? How many stepped down on the Moon’s surface?
  1. When was the Berlin Wall built? Why?
  2. When was the Berlin Wall destroyed?

  1. How did Fidel Castro start the revolution in Cuba?
  2. What happened in the Bay of Pigs?
  3. Why did the Russians help Cuba?
  4. What did Kennedy do to stop the Russians?
  5. Why was the world horrified in October 1962?
  6. What did the two superpowers do to reach an agreement? 

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