
Tuesday 17 March 2020

2º Bach. Online Lesson. EvAU Exam Sept 2015

You can download this EvAU exam here

On Friday20th March 2020  I´ll you show the solutions so you can correct it.

Here you have the solutions. Correct it with red pen, take a picture of it and send it to me.

2015 September

1.        a) False. “It is absurd to give dog-like obedience to a red  
                 light when your eyes and ears tell you it is safe 
                 to go”
        b) False, “The car is no longer a symbol of freedom, so if
                          you want to feel free, go on two wheels”

- a) They took their bikes and tried to do a break in the Tube strike.

b) Years ago going by bicycle was the only opportunity for women to go away of their house keeping responsibilities.

 a) just
    b) timetables
    c) founded
    d) throw off

 a) biking / where
b) was founded / than
 c) must / to do
 d) John suggested going for a walk the following day if the  weather was fine

 5. -There are lots of advantages on biking in a big city; first of all, it is an important economic advantage. Nowadays, especially in the big cities, public transports have increased considerably their prices, that´s why we can affirm that is a great economic benefit. Secondly it is a great method to do exercise every day; going to work by bike can suppose the same than a cardio class in the gym! And finally, it is a wonderful way to contribute with the decrease of air pollution emissions. But it´s true that there are too some disadvantages in the use of bikes in the big cities; there are places like Madrid where there isn´t a suitable infrastructure for going by bike, and this fact can turn dangerous an activity that must be safe and healthy. Spite of this, I´m a fervent defender of biking in the city!!


a) False. “ He warned that we are becoming more and
                  more anti-social and we are moving away 
                  from face-to-face conversations”

b) False. “ Dr Cassidy linked the increasing cases of
                          Internet and social media addiction among
                          youngsters with problems in mental and
                          physical development”


a) Because thanks to the Wi- fi connection they can be linked everywhere.

b) They are discovering that young children are able to use laptops and gadgets better than adults, and they are getting more unsociable because of the using of electronical devices.

a) almost
    b) finding
    c) because of
    d) linked


 a) which / in
    b) would not communicate / did not exist
    c) getting / had been using
    d) The report shouldn’t have been sent off for printing yet

5.  Nowadays, there is a compulsive use of technology, both by young people and by grown up, but the use of the devices, is not the same at different ages, and that´s why adults use it, in a great percentage, in their jobs. Secondly, young people have not got the same control than adults, in the use time, that means, young people can be playing and using the laptop, tablet… for hours, but adults, can control the time they are playing and measure how many time is healthy and safe use it. Finally, adults are more conscious about the “dangers” on the web, meanwhile children can watch unsuitable contents or contact with dangerous people. These are the main reasons why children must always use electronical devices, mainly if these ones have internet connection, under parental control and during previous estimated time.

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